Minnesota NAHRO Web Logo

COVID 19 Resources

Promoting strong, viable communities for all Minnesotans


Information Resources (This site is regularly updated)

Minnesota NAHRO is working to help our members respond to the Coronavirus during this quickly developing situation. We will be posting tools and resources to this webpage and holding conference calls to share information. Please check back regularly for updates.

If you have sample policies or best practices, please send them to [email protected] so we can share them with your colleagues across the state by posting them to this website.

Recent Additions regarding RentHelpMN & Eviction Moratorium

Additions regarding Wearing Masks

 Sample Minneapolis & St Paul PHA Letter re: Vaccine Distribution (posted 12-17-20)

National & State Websites Addressing COVID19

NAHRO COVID-19 Resources for Housing Authorities

Minnesota Department of Health COVID Homepage 

HUD Coronavirus Page 

US Interagency Council on Homelessness publishes resources for addressing impact on homeless populations

National Multifamily Housing Council Resources for Apartment Firms

Leading Age Covid-19 Resource Page includes LOTS of samples regarding: 

  • Guidance for Senior Building & Resident Community Spaces
  • Communication Guidance (public, tenants, staff) when someone may/confirmed to have Coronavirus in building
  • Best Practices for cleaning community spaces

Tools & Samples

Agency Policies & Practices (personnel matters, continuity of operation plans) 

Eviction Moratorium

CARES Act Funding & COVID Resources

Program Administration 

HUD Waivers & FAQs 

Operations, Inspections & Program Issues

Community/Resident Issues

Reports, Surveys & Impacts

Elite Sponsors

Hai Group Logo
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