
Promoting strong, viable communities for all Minnesotans

Membership Matters

With over 400 members, Minnesota NAHRO membership includes agency commissioners, housing authorities, their staff plus non-profit and for-profit partners.

Our member agencies own and operate more than 20,000 public housing units across the state.  In addition, our members administer affordable housing programs such as 31,000 Section 8 vouchers, over 10,000 rural development units, foreclosure prevention, homebuyer education and loan financing.  In the jurisdictions they serve, member agencies also address community revitalization and economic development needs.

The populations served by these programs are often the most vulnerable including:

  • 64 percent of the households are headed by seniors or those with disabilities
  • Nearly 75 percent of the residents of public housing have annual incomes of under $15,000.
  • One-third of public housing residents are children, many of whom are at high risk of homelessness or recently homeless;

Minnesota NAHRO and its member agencies are critical partners at the local level to address community redevelopment.  Every day, the members of Minnesota NAHRO provide affordable housing and livable communities for all Minnesotans through the association of its agency members.

Member Benefits

Minnesota NAHRO offers members an opportunity to sharpen skills, broaden their education, discover a network of knowledge and experience, and become a leader in the field while making a difference.

Join Minnesota NAHRO today!

Looking Ahead

Minnesota NAHRO will continue to deliver on our mission by providing advocacy and professional development to the affordable housing community.  As a member of Minnesota NAHRO, you will receive discounts on events and access to member only resources. Look for these training and professional development opportunities in 2024:

  • HRA Executive Retreat: This great event returns to support the leaders of HRAs throughout the state.  We offer a 3 day training tailored to Minnesota HRAs and provide a great opportunity to expand your network.
  • INSPIRE Trainings: We will offer a training by national experts to ensure your staff have the insights and guidance of a national provider.
  • Minnesota Housing Authority Spring Symposiuum at Sugar Lake Lodge in Grand Rapids, Minnesota focused on expanding your network and connection to your peers across the state.
  • Rent Calculation for Public Housing and HCV 
  • Our Annual Conference returns September 16-18, 2024 to Madden’s Conference Center in Baxter, Minnesota.

Why become a member of Minnesota NAHRO?

As a member of the Minnesota Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO), you join the state’s leading affordable housing and community development organization.  For over 60 years, we have served the state’s housing and community development needs.

Minnesota NAHRO offers members an opportunity to sharpen skills and broaden education, discover a network of knowledge and experience, become a leader in the field and make a difference. In these challenging times, Minnesota NAHRO provides timely information, affordable training, and online resources as well as legislative advocacy.

Membership Rates & Benefits

Minnesota NAHRO provides many resources and professional development to advance our mission which is to enhance the knowledge and effectiveness of our members through professional development, advocacy and service.

As a member of Minnesota NAHRO, see the value of membership which include:

  • Tailored Trainings & Resources
  • Scholarships & Recognition
  • Policy & Advocacy on behalf of our memberships, and
  • Networking & Timely Communications on issues impacting our members.

For 2024, you will receive your membership invoice for your agency.  If you would like to pay by credit card, that option is available for an additional fee.  

Membership Benefits


Training  & Resources 

  • Every member receives discounted conference rates  
  • We provide timely information on issues important to our members including job postings, funding opportunities, and new resources
  • Publish regular Policy Updates including how HRAs are responding to federal and state policy changes. 
  • Provide online resources include an online library of sample forms & policies.

Serving Commissioners

  • New for 2024: Updated Commissioner Handbook  
  • Minnesota NAHRO Commissioners Handbook provides Minnesota specific information and resources (available for $30 each or FREE if you use the flat rate below)
  • We offer a flat rate for Commissioners which means your board becomes individual members of Minnesota NAHRO at a discounted rate 

Policy & Advocacy

  • Lead legislative efforts to secure resources for housing authorities at the state and federal level
  • Serve as a catalyst for our members to provide feedback on program and administrative concerns with key agencies and policymakers
  • Connect our members with policy makers and help lawmakers better understand the important role of HRAs in their communities

Scholarship & Recognition

  • Award two post-secondary education scholarships to residents served by the housing programs administered by Minnesota NAHRO agency members
  • “What Homes Means to Me” poster contest showcases the kids served by our member programs and the impact of affordable housing in their lives
  • Recognize excellence in our field with four distinct awards presented throughout the year
  • Opportunity to serve on National. Regional and State NAHRO Committees

Membership Info


Membership Sign Up Info

The following information applies to all memberships.

  • The membership year starts on January 1st and runs for one year
  • No automatically recurring payments
  • Each membership category is determined by Minnesota NAHRO’s bylaws while the annual membership rate is set by the Minnesota NAHRO Board of Directors.

If you have any questions or would like to pay by credit card, please contact us at [email protected] or call 651.925.4070.

Membership Types

Agency Membership

Any governmental agency operating primarily housing, community development, or redevelopment programs in the State of Minnesota. Dues are on a sliding scale based on the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees.

Individual Membership

AVAILABLE TO AGENCY MEMBERS ONLY: An individual member is one who is employed by, or appointed to, an active agency, affiliate, or associate member. Your agency must be a member first then you can become an individual or commissioner member to receive the discounts.

Associate Member 

Any for-profit corporation or organization that has an interest in the purposes and activities of the Chapter.

Affiliate Member

Any nonprofit agency, one or two person business or material supplier that has an interest in the purpose and activities of the Chapter.

Flat Rate Commissioner Member

Flat Rate for an Agency Board. Individual memberships for all of your Commissioners for one price. You receive a complimentary copy of the MN Commissioners Handbook & receive training discounts.

New Membership

To sign up for a new agency membership fill out the form on our New Member Sign-Up page and mail your check to Minnesota NAHRO at 555 Wabasha St. N., Suite 245, St. Paul, MN 55102.

Membership Renewal & Manage Account

If your agency already has an account and you would like to renew or update your membership visit our Member Account page.

Other things you can do on this page are add members to an agency’s account, update its profile, and add links to its social media accounts.

Individual Membership

Minnesota NAHRO offers individual memberships to people who are a part of an agency account.

Individual members are eligible to serve on the board and committees along with other benefits. Individual Memberships are tied to specific people and function separately from an agency’s account. 

Beginning in 2024, a complimentary number of individual memberships are included in the annual agency membership.  The number of complimentary individual memberships are based on agency size.  

Contact Minnesota NAHRO at info(at) to update or change the individual memberships associated with your agency account.  

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