August Advocacy Week 4 – Create & Preserve Affordable Housing In Minnesota

Invest in Affordable Housing & Community Development

This week, urge Congress to invest in programs that promote community development and increase affordable housing supply like Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC).

Our country is in an unprecedented housing supply crisis with every state experiencing shortages in affordable rental housing. These shortages have led to real consequences, including an affordability crisis for renters and homeowners, skyrocketing costs, and growing rates of homelessness.

Send a letter this week urging Congress to invest in critical programs that increase our housing stock and build strong communities.


Create & Preserve Affordable Housing In Minnesota

Minnesota lacks affordable housing, especially for households with the lowest incomes and the most cost burdened. Community development funds including the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program is a proven solution to help address the affordable housing crisis in Minnesota.

By supporting the bipartisan Affordable Housing Creidt Improvement Act, up to 39,400 additional affordable homes could be financed in Minnesota!

Use the link below for the Minnesota fact sheet.  Scroll down the page for the the impact of the LIHTC by Congressional district.

About Minnesota NAHRO

Our goal is to be the leading housing and community development organization in Minnesota by promoting strong, viable communities for all Minnesotans, particularly those with low and moderate incomes.

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