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Promoting strong, viable communities for all Minnesotans

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Minnesota NAHRO is excited to offer an online series tailored specifically for Housing Authority Commissioners. Our Online Commissioner Series will feature five sessions that cover the multifaceted role of a commissioner in a easy to access online format. WHEN: Each...

Happy New Year & Join Us in 2023!

Happy New Year & Join Us in 2023!

MMinnesota NAHRO will continue to deliver on our mission by providing advocacy and professional development to the affordable housing community.  As a member of Minnesota NAHRO, you will receive discounts on events and access to member only resources. Look for these...

December 5th Housing Update

December 5th Housing Update

With the holidays just around the corner, Congress is busy trying to get a budget passed before the end of CR on December 16th. This member update has an action alert for the federal lame duck session.

Online Maintenance Series Begins Nov 9th

Online Maintenance Series Begins Nov 9th

Join Minnesota NAHRO for our online series tailored specifically for maintenance staff, maintenance supervisors & property managers. We kick off our series November 9th with a session on de-escalation techniques for maintenance staff brought to you by the experts...

2023 Fair Market Rents Published & Request to Reevaluate Due 10/3

2023 Fair Market Rents Published & Request to Reevaluate Due 10/3

HUD published the new Fair Market Rents for 2023 which are used by the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program to determine the payment standard & determine the amount of rental assistance a family in the program may receive in a certain area. This year HUD altered...

Rent Calc for HCV & Public Housing National Training

Rent Calc for HCV & Public Housing National Training

Great Price & Includes Full Conference BenefitsOctober 12-14: Madden’s Conference Center Join Minnesota NAHRO for this in person 2-day training on rent calculations for both the public housing and housing choice voucher staff. The seminar has been carefully...

Accepting Nominations for Fall Awards

Accepting Nominations for Fall Awards

Do You Know The Next Award Winner?  Minnesota NAHRO honors its leaders in the affordable housing industry each fall to recognize the great work of our members. This Fall we will present the Conrad Rettmer Commissioner Award and the Outstanding Achievement Award at our...

August Advocacy Week 3

August Advocacy Week 3

As Americans continue to face the affordable housing crisis, we need Congress’s help! Rental costs are rising quickly. Pair that with record high inflation and housing shortages it is nearly impossible to find an affordable, decent, and safe place to call home....

Registration Now Open for Minnesota NAHRO Annual Conference

Registration Now Open for Minnesota NAHRO Annual Conference

OCTOBER 12-14 at Madden's Conference Center in Brainerd, Minnesota  Register & Save with the Early Bird Rate  We are excited to celebrate fall at our annual conference which brings together hundreds of directors, staff and commissioners from housing and...

HUD 4350 Training – September 13 & 14 in Plymouth

HUD 4350 Training – September 13 & 14 in Plymouth

WHEN: September 13 & 14 WHERE: Plymouth, MN at the Comfort Inn  Minnesota NAHRO is proud to present this two day in person training with the national experts at Quadel. We are offering this training at a great price plus you save by keeping your travel...

HUD Expands Eligible Uses for HCV Admin Fees After NAHRO Advocacy 

HUD Expands Eligible Uses for HCV Admin Fees After NAHRO Advocacy 

This week HUD published a notice [Notice PIH 2022-18 (HA)] expanding the eligible uses of the administrative fee for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. The notice is titled “Use of Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Mainstream Voucher Administrative Fees for...

Urge Congress to Pass FY22 HUD Funding Immediately

Urge Congress to Pass FY22 HUD Funding Immediately

Take Action at NAHRO's Advocacy Center  Congress needs to do its job! Congress has yet to approve the FY22 budget even though we are nearly 5 months into the fiscal year.  The debate continues over the appropriate level of federal funding for HUD programs.  Congress...

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