Minnesota Session Underway

Minnesota Legislative Session Opens with Historic Opportunity to Invest in Housing

This week the 2022 Legislative Session opens and lawmakers have a historic opportunity to invest in Minnesotans. First, the state has significant federal funding to help address the ongoing impact of the pandemic. Second, the economic forecast estimates a substantial budget surplus. And finally, this is a bonding year.  

A major focus this session will be how to allocate these resources.  Join us as we advocate for the tools and resources to help HRAs address the affordable housing crisis in the communities we serve.  Read a full blog post here.  

Governor Proposes $1B Investment in Housing

Governor Walz’s budge t proposes strategic investments of $1 billion in improving access to affordable housing and supporting people facing housing crises over the next three years, with most funding allocated for State Fiscal Year 2023.  

Reed the full proposal here. 

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MN NAHRO’s Fall Conference – Navigating New Horizions

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