The 2024 Minnesota Legislative Session adjourned and for affordable housing advocates, the results were mixed especially compared to the 2023 session. The memorandum below provides an update on the activities and outcomes of efforts made by Minnesota NAHRO during the...
Promoting strong, viable communities for all Minnesotans
Sample Letter for HRAs re: Cannabis Use at Multifamily Properties
With the recent passage of sweeping laws to permit recreational, adult, use of cannabis products in Minnesota, cannibus use will likely be an issue for HRAs to address with residents. To help our members message effectively around this issue, we have sample letters...
$2 Billion in 2022! Invest in Minnesota. Invest in Families. Invest in Housing.
With a $7.7 billion surplus and another $1.25M in American Rescue Plan funds, lawmakers have the opportunity to make real progress and reduce housing cost burden, improve the condition of homes, reduce home ownership disparity, and increase stability. In doing so,...
Minnesota Session Underway
Minnesota Legislative Session Opens with Historic Opportunity to Invest in Housing This week the 2022 Legislative Session opens and lawmakers have a historic opportunity to invest in Minnesotans. First, the state has significant federal funding to help address the...
2020 State Legislative Priorities
Minnesota NAHRO’s 2020 Legislative Priorities
2019 State Legislative Priorities
State Appropriations for Affordable Housing at MHFA Minnesota NAHRO, in partnership with state affordable housing advocates Homes For All, seeks an increase of $55 million in appropriations for affordable housing and related services to help provide stable housing....