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Sample Letter for HRAs re: Cannabis Use at Multifamily Properties

With the recent passage of sweeping laws to permit recreational, adult, use of cannabis products in Minnesota, cannibus use will likely be an issue for HRAs to address with residents.  To help our members message effectively around this issue, we have sample letters provided by the Carver County CDA and Virginia HRA to help you clarify this issue with your residents.

We have two samples for use depending on your property type. Please note that this sample is provided as an example only. Your HRA will need to determine how best address cannabis use with your residents pursuent to your policies.

  • Sample Letter re: Cannabis Use in Residential Multifamily Properties – Carver Co CDA 2023
  • Sample Letter re Marijuana Use in Federally Subsidized Housing including Public Housing – Virginia HRA

The sample letters are posted to the Minnesota NAHRO Resource Library.  To access the letter, you will be asked to sign in to our website as this resource is for Minnesota NAHRO members only. If you forgot your password, you can reset it once you enter your email address.  If you have any issues signing in, please email us at info(at)mnnahro.org and we will be happy to help.

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