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HUD Happenings



This week our member update provides a recap of recent HUD happenings plus the launch of Rent Help MN.  Minnesota NAHRO’s virtual Spring Conference is just around the corner so sign up today!

HUD Happenings – ICYMI

To help our members keep up to date on the latest HUD notices and announcements, here is a list of recent key postings. Use the links provided to read more about each topic.

Public Housing Shortfall Funding Guidance 

HUD released Notice PIH-2021-12,which provides guidance to housing authorities that experience, or are at risk of, financial shortfalls. The funding was provided to mitigate the risk of financial shortfalls among PHAs and was directed to prioritize the funding to PHAs with 249 or fewer public housing units that are determined to be experiencing shortfalls and have less than one-month of reserves before allocating funds to larger PHAs.

HUD Posts 2021 Admin Fee Rates & Updates the HCV Dashboard

HUD recently posted to its Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) website, the HCV administrative fee rates. These rates determine the amount of administrative fee a HCV program receives from HUD.   HUD also updated its HCV dashboard to include pages on leasing changes, percentages of HCV programs devoted to special purpose vouchers, leasing potential, project-based voucher portfolios, comparing budget and reserves between two programs, and comparing leasing and per unit cost (PUC) between two programs.

HUD to Resume REAC Inspections June 1

HUD announced this week that the department plans to begin inspections for public housing and project-based rental assistance (PBRA) properties starting June 1. HUD will focus on properties that are considered “high priority” – those that have not been inspected for a significant amount of time or those that have failed their last inspection. If a resident does not feel comfortable with an inspector entering their unit, the resident may opt out from the inspection. In those instances, another unit will be selected for an inspection. Finally, HUD will not issue inspection scores to PHAs in 2021 unless the agency specifically asks for one. Rather, inspectors will only be looking for life threatening deficiencies on the property.

Minnesota Housing Launches RentHelpMN

Minnesota renters can receive help with rent and utility bills dated on or after March 13, 2020. Eligible households include those who receive federal assistance but have failed to pay their portion of rent. Use this link to access the tools and resources provided by Minnesota Housing.

BRIGHTER DAYS AHEAD! Minnesota NAHRO Spring Conference – May 19 & 20 Online

Join us for two days in May to get the latest from state and national experts. Our virtual conference will highlight the many issues facing housing authorities as we transition back to the new normal.  Our line up of experts include: 

  • Georgi Banna of NAHRO with a HUD update on waivers & vouchers 
  • Mary Dobbins with an update on the State Eviction Moratorium 
  • Joyce Hottinger from the League of Cities with an update on COVID related personnel issues

About Minnesota NAHRO

Our goal is to be the leading housing and community development organization in Minnesota by promoting strong, viable communities for all Minnesotans, particularly those with low and moderate incomes.

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