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Member Update: Housing IS Infrastructure

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Spring is here and that means our virtual May Conference is around the corner so register soon to receive the early bird rate.  Plus take just a few minutes and urge Congress to invest in housing.  Our easy to use action center makes it simple so make your voice heard today!


Urge Congress to Invest In Housing – Take Action

Housing is a critical part of our nation’s infrastructure and a foundational need for the families and individuals in our community. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that housing is crucial for safe, healthy communities.  

In response to the housing needs of millions in the US, urge Congress to fully fund affordable housing and community development programs. By meeting the needs of local communities, these programs strengthen our country’s resolve and can help address the existing racial and economic disparities in our nation by providing robust, equitable housing assistance to those who need it most. 

Use NAHRO’s easy to use action alert and send your emails to federal lawmakers.  Your voice matters and it will only take a few minutes.  Join our advocacy efforts today! 


BRIGHTER DAYS AHEAD! Minnesota NAHRO Spring Conference – May 19 & 20 Online

Join us for two days in May to get the latest from state and national experts. Our virtual conference will highlight the many issues facing housing authorities as we transition back to the new normal.  Our line up of experts include: 

  • Georgi Banna of NAHRO with a HUD update on waivers & vouchers 
  • Mary Dobbins with an update on the State Eviction Moratorium 
  • Joyce Hottinger from the League of Cities with an update on COVID related personnel issues 

Sign up soon & get the Early Bird Discount.  Do you have Minnesota NAHRO’s All Access Pass?  Our Spring Conference is included so be sure to register today

About Minnesota NAHRO

Our goal is to be the leading housing and community development organization in Minnesota by promoting strong, viable communities for all Minnesotans, particularly those with low and moderate incomes.

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