Pass Timely, Robust Funding for HUD Programs – August Advocacy Week 5

Our final week of August Advocacy in HERE!

Congress should provide full funding of affordable housing and community development programs to meet the needs of the nation’s communities. In the current affordable housing crisis, it is more important than ever for Congress, HUD, and other federal agencies to function efficiently and effectively.

In our fifth and final week of August Advocacy, we are urging Congress to provide timely, robust annual  funding. NAHRO members appreciate recent robust appropriations, but the lateness of final spending bills has been an unnecessary challenge to already difficult work. Moreover, HUD programs in Minnesota invest in the state and have significant impact on our local economy.  

Why it matters: Because of the rapid increase in housing, material, and labor costs, flat funding acts as a funding cut and impacts the number of people served. Speak up to let your legislators know that you want them to pass appropriations in a timely manner to help you do your job effectively. Let them know that you need predictable, adequate funding to serve residents in your community.


  • Ensure timely passage of the FY23 T-HUD spending bill prior to the start of the fiscal year 
  • Provide robust funding levels that match or exceed the House-approved FY23 T-HUD spending bill 


  • In 2020, Federal rental assistance programs added $698 million to Minnesota’s economy 
  • Over 10 years, local tools such as HOME invested $479 million in Minnesota & leveraged over $2.68 billion in the state. 
Thank you for being a part of the Minnesota NAHRO Advocacy Team! 
AA Week 5A

About Minnesota NAHRO

Our goal is to be the leading housing and community development organization in Minnesota by promoting strong, viable communities for all Minnesotans, particularly those with low and moderate incomes.

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