2020 NAHRO National Priorities

Fully Fund Affordable Housing and Community Development Programs

Congress should provide full funding of affordable housing and community development programs that — by meeting the needs of local communities — strengthen the country’s resolve.

Preserve and Develop the Nation’s Housing Stock

NAHRO’s members work hard to use existing federal housing programs and policies to create

and maintain housing opportunities for families, youth, seniors, and persons with disabilities. This work is critical given the high demand and low construction rates. NAHRO believes that “housing is infrastructure” and housing providers should all have access to programs and funding that preserve and improve subsidized housing.

Support Local, Community Based Solutions

NAHRO members understand best the complex and unique circumstances facing their communities – rural, urban, and suburban. It is crucial that all federal programs allow local housing providers to nimbly respond to evolving local circumstances.

Champion Resilient Families and Communities

NAHRO supports programs that help its members foster stable communities, recover quickly from disasters, and operate mobility and place-based initiatives that help families succeed. NAHRO supports critical federal, state, and local resident supportive service programs that help families meet their basic needs.

Keep the Government Open for Efficient and Effective Program Operations

Congress and the Administration must maintain their federal commitment to housing assistance and community development by prioritizing the appropriations process to ensure that the federal government remains open, deploys resources, and maximizes use of federal resources through sensible program design which does not unduly burden local housing providers, particularly smaller agencies with limited staff and access to financial resources.

Elite Sponsors

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MN NAHRO’s Fall Conference – Navigating New Horizions

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